Silent Auction

Current Bid: $150

This auction is for a vintage Coors Beer sign. This is one half of the original sign, and the current dimensions are approximately 49.5″ L X 33″ W.

This auction closes at 5 p.m. on 26 May 2024.

The current highest bid will be updated at the end of each day until the close of the auction.

Please fill out all of the below fields to place your bid. This form only gathers the necessary contact information and all bids are placed solely on an honor system. No payment information or transactions will be conducted through this form. When entering a bid, you are agreeing to pay the amount entered should your bid win the auction. Payment will be cash only and is needed at the time of item pickup.

Once the auction closes, the highest bidder will be notified utilizing the contact information provided on the form below. If the highest bidder does not respond within 48 hours, the next highest bidder will be notified, and so on. Details about where and when to pick up the sign will be provided to the highest bidder upon successful contact.

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